Chef & Owner Bijou Bakery
Cayucos, California -

Jeniece Grimshaw has been baking professionally for over a decade. She is a classically trained pastry chef with a focus on French technique.

Before opening Bijou in June of 2020, she honed her craft working as the Bakery Director at the Cass House Cayucos Bakery, and as the Pastry Chef for the Cliffs Hotel & Spa in Shell Beach.

Jeniece specializes in creating delicate pastries and intricate desserts. She appreciates fresh, locally sourced ingredients and unique flavor combinations. She is inspired by creating traditional dishes "with a twist," often combining sweet and savory elements, as well as adding fresh herbs and spices for an elevated flavor experience.

She is so excited to share her "Central Coast Gem" with her beautiful community.


Anthony Kresge


Kari Bernardi