
2024 - $202,000 Raised!

2024 In Review

Photo by Amy Tang

A Letter from the Executive Committee:

Our sponsors and donors help us achieve our dream each year – to create a wonderful event highlighting the culinary and winemaking talents from our region and beyond, while continuing to be the largest fundraiser for the Big Sur community, including support to Palo Colorado Canyon and the South Coast.

Not only has Big Sur survived torrential winters, but we’ve also been affected by the Highway closures, businesses and families stranded for months. We are still waiting for the slides to be repaired on the South Coast after 3 years. As an all-volunteer organization, we know “it takes a village” to uplift this beautiful community.

We invite you to join us to fulfill our mission to rebuild the economy in Big Sur, and to provide our beneficiaries with much needed funds. We are planning our 2025 events with great anticipation and can't wait to have you be part of the magic this fall. We invite you to consider sponsorship as a way of sustainability for our Foundation and our mission.

With much gratitude,

Aengus, Elsa, Matt and the BSFW Team


Big Sur Fiddle Camp | Weston Call Scholarship Fund - $5,000

Big Sur Fire - $42, 000 

Big Sur Grange - $5,000

Big Sur Health Center - $48,000

Big Sur Historical Society - $4,000

Big Sur Park School - $10,000

Big Sur Softball - $3,000

Big Sur Stage Kids - $8,000

Captain Cooper School - Parent's Club: $10,000

Esselen Tribe of Monterey County- Big Sur Land Maintenance & Cultural Events - $6,000

Keep Big Sur Wild - $3,000

MidCoast Fire Brigade - $16,000

Pacific Valley School - $10,000

Scholarship for Big Sur Youth (applications being accepted) - $1,000

The Big Share - $ 10,000

The Henry Miller Memorial Library - $16,000

Ventana Wildlife Society - $5,000

We’re making a real difference!

The goal of BSFW is to give back to our community. Thanks to your support and the help of everyone involved, we have been able to increase that number every year.

2023 - $225,000 Raised


Photo by Amy Tang


Big Sur Fiddle Camp | Weston Call Scholarship Fund - $8,500

Big Sur Fire - $52, 000 

Big Sur Grange - $5,500

Big Sur Health Center - $52,000

Big Sur Historical Society - $5,000

Big Sur Park School - $11,500

Big Sur Softball - $3,000

Big Sur Stage Kids - $5,000

Captain Cooper School - Parent's Club: $11,500

Esselen Tribe of Monterey County- Big Sur Land Maintenance & Cultural Events - $8,500

Keep Big Sur Wild - $2,500

MidCoast Fire Brigade - $16,000

Pacific Valley School - $11,500

Scholarship for Big Sur Youth (applications being accepted) - $1,000

The Big Share - $ 10,000

The Henry Miller Memorial Library - $17,000

Ventana Wildlife Society - $4,500

Make a donation.

We are hoping you will help us continue the work so that we may keep providing for the community for many years to come.

2022 - $210,000 Raised


Photo by Evynn LeValley


Big Sur Fiddle Camp | Weston Call Scholarship Fund - $8,000

Big Sur Fire - $50,000

Big Sur Grange - $5000

Big Sur Health Center - $50,000

Big Sur Historical Society - $4,000

Big Sur Park School - $10,000

Big Sur Softball - $3,000

Big Sur Stage Kids - $3,000

Captain Cooper School | Parent's Club - $10,0000

Esselen Tribe of Monterey County - Earmarked for Cultural and Land Maintenance

Keep Big Sur Wild - $2,000

Mid Coast Fire Brigade - $15,000

Pacific Valley School - $10,000

The Big Share - $8,000

The Henry Miller Memorial Library - $15,000

Scholarship for Big Sur Youth
(BSFW Foundation's own scholarship program) - $5,000

Ventana Wildlife Society - $4,000

2021 - $150,000 Raised



Big Sur Fiddle Camp | Weston Call Scholarship Fund - $5,000

Big Sur Fire - $45, 000

Big Sur Grange - $3,000

Big Sur Health Center - $45,000

Big Sur Park School - $6,000

Big Sur Softball - $2,000

Captain Cooper School - $6,000

Esselen Tribe of Monterey County | Big Sur Land Maintenance & Cultural Events - $5,000

MidCoast Fire Brigade - $10,000

Pacific Valley School - $6,000

Scholarship for Big Sur Youth - $5,000

The Henry Miller Memorial Library - $10,000

Ventana Wildlife Society - $2,000

2020 - $41,000 Raised


Big Sur Fiddle Camp - $1,000

Big Sur Fire - $10,000

Big Sur Grange - $1,000

Big Sur Health Center - $10,000

Big Sur Park School - $2,000

Big Sur Stage Kids - $1,000

Captain Cooper School - $2,000

Mid Coast Fire Brigade - $5,000

Pacific Valley School - $3,000

The Henry Miller Library - $5,000

Ventana Wildlife Society - $1,000

2019 - $100,000 Raised



Big Sur Fiddle Camp | Weston Call Scholarship Fund - $5,000

Big Sur Fire | In Honor of Lana Weeks - $25,000

Big Sur Health Center - $25,000

Big Sur Grange - $4,000

Big Sur Park School - $4,000

Big Sur Stage Kids - $4,000

Captain Cooper School - Parents Club - $6,000

Mid Coast Fire Brigade - $8,000

Pacific Valley School - $4,000

Scholarship Fund for Big Sur Youth - $4,000

The Henry Miller Library - $10,000

Ventana Wildlife Society - $1,000

2018 - $80,000 raised



Apple Pie Pre-School - $6,000

Big Sur Fiddle Camp - $4,000

Big Sur Fire - $16,500

Big Sur Grange - $5,000

Big Sur Health Center - $16,500

Big Sur Park School - $6,000

Big Sur Softball - $1,000

Big Sur Stage Kids - $4,000

Mid Coast Fire Brigade - $6,000

Pacific Valley School - $2,000

The Henry Miller Library - $10,000

Ventana Wildlife Society - $2,000

Weston Call Big Sur Fund - $1,000

2017 - $56,000 raised



Big Sur Fiddle Camp - $3,000

Big Sur Fire - $10,000

Big Sur Health Center - $10,000

Big Sur Stage Kids - $3,000

CPOA Upper Rocky Creek Road Repair Project - $10,000

CPOA Big Sur Relief Fund - $10,000

The Henry Miller Library - $10,000

2016 - $24,000 raised



Big Sur Fire (Monterey County GIVES!) - $5,000

Big Sur Health Center (Monterey County GIVES!) - $5,000

CERV via our Soberanes Fire Relief Campaign - $5,000

Parent’s Group at Apple Pie Pre-School - $500

Parent’s Group at Big Sur Charter School - $1,000

Parent’s Group at Captain Cooper - $500

Parent’s Group at Pacific Valley School - $1,000

The Henry Miller Library - $5,000

Tuition Assistance Program, Gazebo School at Esalen - $1,000