Our Big Sur Home
As a member of the Big Sur community, our commitment, above all else, is to respect the land, and all creatures and spirits who call it home. We have created this page to be a resource for our guests for information on Big Sur. It’s history, culture, and special place in our hearts.
“If we are always arriving and departing, it is also true that we are eternally anchored. One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things.”
Henry Miller
The Big Sur Visitor’s Guide
Before you visit Big Sur, check for updates and safety information including weather, road conditions, active fire information and other safety rules. We love our little stretch of coast but please remember to be careful!
The Esselen Tribe of Monterey County
We acknowledge the land we are on today as the traditional territories of the Esselen Tribe of Monterey County. We also acknowledge the Tribal governments and their roles today in the stewardship and protection of these lands.
The Big Sur Share
The Big Share creates opportunity for our community to come together to share food, support and connection. Challenge is inevitable, the culture of sharing builds a community that can face any challenge.
Community Association of Big Sur (CABS)
We recognize that all of us make an impact on the land. Take the Big Sur Pledge so you can visit responsibly and get further information on ways you can help contribute to the welfare of the Big Sur Community.